First of all, I would like to dedicate this entry to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. My prayers and thoughts go to you all.
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Quem nao esta enjoadissima dos aromas da colecao Secret Garden da Victoria's Secret. Bom, eu estou! Alias, fazem anos que eu nao compro um tubinho de creme para mim (excessao familia e amigos no Brasil - por q voces sao tao obcecados por produtos dessa loja??), ate que eu descobri atraves de uma amiga sobre a linha de shampoo e condicionador. Certamente, sao os melhores que eu ja experimentei em muito tempo! Ha anos eu venho usando a linha Kerastase da L'Oreal, e nao podia acreditar que poderia encontrar algo melhor. Porem, acreditem, essa linha da VS conseguiu empatar! Ambos shampoo e condicionador contem Aminoacidos, camomila e Pro-Vitamina fortificante B5. A fragrancia dura 48hs - alguem conhece algum shampoo ou condicionador cuja fragrancia dure tanto tempo? Corram, pois a promocao do momento eh compre 3 por $21. (O preco normal eh $10 cada).
Many of you must be sick and tired of Victoria's Secret Garden Collection. Well, I am! In fact, it has been a long time since I last purchased a bottle of lotion for myself (with the exception of family and friends: people in Brazil are obssessed by VS products). Anyway, just recently a friend suggested that I try the shampoo and conditioner by the same line, and seriously, they are the best I have tried in years! I have been using Kerastase products by L'Oreal for the longest time, and I never thought I would be able to find anything better. I was wrong! Both shampoo and conditioner contain aminoacids, chamomile, and fortifying Provitamin B5, and the scent lasts for 48hs. Nothing beats that! Run to a local store to get their special 3 for $21. They usually cost $10 each.
Meus favoritos no momento sao: Love Spell e Pure Seduction.
A couple of my favorite scents at the moment are: Love Spell and Pure Seduction.

Que Deus abencoe a todos.
God bless!
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